Thursday, August 6, 2009

Searching for Perkins Pancakes..Finding Twin Falls Idaho

So here we are cruising down highway 84 in Idaho and we see a sign for Perkins Pancake house next exit. Paula is in the mood, so off the interstate we go, searching for Perkins. Oddly enough we never found the Perkins...but we did find Twin Falls Idaho.

The town sits at the top of the Snake River canyon and until 150 years ago or so, it was a wasteland. Then some smart engineer figured out how to get water out of the river below and presto! a town was born. In 1925 they built a bridge (see pic) and named it after the guy. The bridge still stands, like the town, in all its glory.

Now its a destination for Japanese tours, as dozens walk on the path above the canyon staring at the river below and majestic canyon walls. Yes, it is "touristy" but the beauty of the place is undeniable. If you ever are in Idaho (not Iowa for geography novices) don't miss it!!!

By the way, the pancakes at the IHOP were pretty good also.

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