Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sarah Jane Nelson

Saturday August 14, 2010

Anthony and Shauna came down from Portland yesterday for a quick week-end visit and we are trying to cram as much local culture etc. as possible during these next few days.

A&S are re-modeling/building their circa 1913 home in Portland and are doing most of the work themselves between juggling their full time careers. We thought it would be fun to show them our friends' remodeled 1910 home next store for some ideas. We only met Larry and Debra here a week ago but we have become fast friends. Larry and Debra moved here from Anchorage about six years ago and have remodeled a 100 year old home next door to our cottage. They did an amazing job and when we took Anthony and Shauna over to look, it turned out to be a two hour tour.. A&S could not get enough ideas. In fact, Debra was kind enough to give them two boxes of cabinet hardware and trim that was taken out of the old house and replaced during the remodel. I am sure the Portland duo will put the hardware to good use!

This evening we all went to the "Green Show" to hear Sarah Jane Nelson sing. The "Green Show" is a nightly free concert put on for 100 days each spring/summer here. Sarah sings everything from Country to Blues to Broadway and her husband Rene Milan is one of the most talented actors with the OSF Company. We just watched Rene play the lead in "American Night". Tonight Sarah did light stuff and even performed a couple of songs from "Beauty and the Beast" with her 3 year old daughter. She has a beautiful voice and her Louisiana charm is effusive.
Paula spoke to Sarah Jane briefly after the concert and told her she should have been the lead in last years version of the "Music Man". Her answer "They did not even let me audition" led us to believe there is a lot of politics going on here in this town with respect to who is in favor with the Director and who is not. In any event, it looks like Sara Jane does not lack for work (she has been on Broadway and does television), but it sure would be nice to see her more in Ashland with the Company!

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