What fun.. let's go watch the Ducks play the Devils in Tempe on a Saturday night. NOT!
Here it is the end of September and it is still over 100 degrees in the "Valley of the Sun". I am so sick of the reference to the "Sun" when we should really rename Phoenix/Scottsdale the Land of 100 days of 100+ degrees". Don't tell me there is not "climate change" going on here. When I moved here in the seventies, by the end of September your pool was too cold to swim in unless you heated it. Now the sun takes care of that till mid-October! Yes, the weather here is great from Mid-October till May, but in between, you have to endure an ceaseless parade of 100+ degree days. After 30 years this is getting old.
Anyway, back to last Saturday night. P and I and Marty (ex ASU medical doctor) parked near the stadium and tried to get into "My Big Fat Greek Restaurant" before the game. The hostess told us our wait would be about a half hour, but after nearly 45 minutes we were still waiting. We pass on the Greek and decide to get a bite at the nearby stadium.
When I ordered the tix I ordered them from the Oregon web site so we could sit with other duck fans (Marty excepted). ASU was so kind providing the Oregon fans seats as far from the field as possible. I think we were closer to Flagstaff than to Tempe. We were so far from the field that when the band played at the half it was like the sound was on "mute". I know there was a football game going on, but following the ball was impossible. We always talk about being in the nosebleed section, i.e. so high up that your nose bleeds from the altitude. Well, Marty actually saw a young boy who actually had a nosebleed!.
And then there was the HEAT. All day the concrete stadium sits in the sun absorbing hours of high temps. By the time I take my seat, the heat is still pouring out to the hot night air. Talk about a sticky butt. I will spare my readers of the details but had I been wearing an adult diaper, it would be soaked. NEVER, NEVER will I go to a game again, night or day when the temps are this hot..period.
Oh yes, Oregon won in a very ugly 4 hour game. We finally got home around 1 AM. The shower felt really good but the next day I was a total noodle. Thursday its off for Vermont for a long week-end. Can't wait to get out of the heat.
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